St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution "Central Clinical Hospital of the Moskovsky District". Library on Blagodatnaya Street (library No. 4) “Library of legal and economic information” Books on economics, law, tourism, marketing, fiction and popular science literature. Coworking space.
St. Petersburg, Blagodatnaya st., 20
A wide selection of books on economics, law, marketing, management, advertising, as well as travel guides, fiction and popular science literature.
Coworking space: places to work with your own equipment, free Wi-Fi, free access to the legal databases “Garant” and “Consultant+”
Bibliographic services for university students: selection of reference lists for coursework and diplomas, provision of full-text materials in electronic form via stated topics.
(free service) Free consultations with lawyers and advocates.
Paid services:
- Photocopying b/w and color.
(A4, A3 format); - Printing of text and illustrative black-and-white and color materials;
- Scanning of various materials (with and without editing);
- Copying information onto electronic media;
- Recording files on electronic media;
- Printing on a plotter;
- Lamination (formats A6, A5, A4, A3);
- Binding and stitching works;
- Access to the Internet;
- Work in Microsoft Office programs (providing an automated workstation);
- Dubbing video information from VHS (video cassette) to DVD