The Bolshoi Drama Theater opened on February 15, 1919 with F. Schiller's tragedy "Don Carlos", beginning its performances in the Opera Studio of the Conservatory.
emb. Fontanka River, 65
In 1964 it was awarded the title of Academic, in 1970 the Small Stage was opened, since 1992 it has been named after G.A.
Tovstonogov. In the fall of 1918, Commissioner for Theater Affairs M.F.
Andreeva signed a decree on the creation of a Special Drama Troupe in Petrograd - this was the original name of the theater, famous today all over the world under the abbreviation BDT. Its formation was entrusted to the famous actor N.F. Monakhov, and the origins were two theater groups: the Tragedy Theater organized in 1918 under the direction of Yu.M. Yuryev and the Art Drama Theater, which was headed by A.N. Lavrentiev. A.A. was appointed to the post of Chairman of the Directory of the Bolshoi Drama Theater.
Blok, who essentially became the first artistic director of the BDT. The main ideological inspirer of the new theater was M. Gorky. He wrote at the time: “The audience needs to be shown the man he himself - and all of us - have long dreamed of, a heroic man, chivalrously selfless, passionately in love with his idea... a man of honest deeds, of great feat...” Nominated Maxim Gorky’s slogan “Heroic theater for the heroic people!” was embodied in the repertoire of the BDT. The heroes of W. Shakespeare, F. Schiller, V. Hugo appeared on the stage of the BDT.
They affirmed the ideas of nobility, contrasting honor and dignity with the chaos and cruelty of the surrounding world. In the first years of the BDT's life, artists played a significant role in determining its artistic appearance. Each of them: and those who left the World of Art association A.N. Benoit and M.V. Dobuzhinsky, and monumental architect V.A. The Shchukos did it in their own way. But it was they who formed the solemn, truly magnificent style of the early BDT. The advent of a new era coincided with difficult and sometimes tragic changes within the theater itself.
In 1921, M.F. left Russia for several years. Andreev and M. Gorky, in the same year A.A. passed away. Blok, returned to the Academic Drama Theater Yu.M. Yuryev, A.N. left. Benois, left the BDT and became the main director A.N. Lavrentiev. New directors came to the theater: N.V. Petrov, K.P. Khokhlov, P.K. Weisbrem, K.K. Tverskoy; they brought new artists with them - Yu.P. Annenkova, M.Z. Levina, N.P. Akimova, V.M. Khodasevich, V.V. Dmitrieva. Having accepted from A.A. Blok’s symbolic relay race; in 1923, the literary part was headed by A.I. Piotrovsky. In the new search for theater, the directing activity of the student V.E. played a major role.
Meyerhold K.K. Tverskoy (1929-1934). In the mid-twenties, the BDT's repertoire was determined primarily by plays by modern playwrights such as B.A. Lavrenev, A. Fayko, Yu.K. Olesha, N.N. Nikitin, N.A. Zarkhi, V.M. Kirshon, N.F. Pogodin. The troupe is also being renewed, A.I.s come to the BDT. Larikov, V.P. Polizeimako, N.P. Korn, L.A. Krovitsky; EAT. Granovskaya, O.G. Casico, V.T. Kibardina, E.V. Alexandrovskaya, A.B. Nikritina. At the beginning of 1956, the Bolshoi Drama Theater was preparing to celebrate its thirty-seventh birthday.
On the very eve of the holiday, the troupe was introduced to the new, eleventh, chief director. Thus began an era in the BDT, whose name is Georgy Aleksandrovich Tovstonogov. G.A.
Tovstonogov created a theater that for decades invariably remained the leader of the domestic theatrical process. The performances he created: “The Fox and the Grapes” by G. Figueiredo, “The Idiot” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “Five Evenings” by A. Volodin, “Barbarians” by M. Gorky, “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboyedov, “Physticians” by M. Gorky, “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol, “Three Sisters” by A.P. Chekhov, “Last Summer in Chulimsk” by A. Vampilov, “Energetic People” by V. Shukshin, “Three Bags of Weedy Wheat” by V. Tendryakov, “The History of a Horse” by L.N. Tolstoy, “Simplicity is enough for every wise man” by A. Ostrovsky, “At the Lower Depths” by M. Gorky... became events in the theatrical life of not only Leningrad, but throughout the country, striking with the novelty of their interpretation and the originality of the director’s vision. Bit by bit, person to person, G.A. Tovstonogov assembled an ensemble of unique acting individuals who made up the best drama troupe in the country.
The roles played on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater brought fame to I.M. Smoktunovsky, O.I. Borisov, revealed the bright talents of T.V. Doronina, E.A. Lebedeva, S.Yu. Yursky, E.Z. Kopelyan, P.B. Luspekeva, P.P. Pankova, E.A. Popova, V.I. Strzhelchika, V.P. Kovel, V.A. Medvedeva, M.V. Danilova, Yu.A. Demicha, I.Z. Zabludovsky, N.N. Trofimov, K.Yu. Lavrova, A.Yu. Tolubeeva, L.I. Painted. A.B. is still playing in the BDT. Freindlikh, O.V. Basilashvili, L.I. Makarova, Z.M. Sharko, V.M. Ivchenko, N.N. Usatova, E.K. Popova, L.V. Nevedomsky, G.P. Bogachev, G.A. Calm. ...On May 23, 1989, returning from the theater, Georgy Aleksandrovich Tovstonogov died suddenly while driving his car.
In the days when the theater had not yet recovered from the shock, by secret vote of the team, People's Artist of the USSR, State Prize laureate K.Yu. Lavrov. He directed all his will, energy, acting and human authority to preserve the special stage mentality and powerful genetic code laid down by G.A. Tovstonogov. He invited talented directors of “the same theatrical faith” to productions, among whom was T.N. Chkheidze, who in 1990 staged “Cunning and Love” by F. Schiller - a play conceived by G.A. Tovstonogov and became the first official premiere of the BDT after the departure of the Master. This performance opened a new page in the history of the Bolshoi Drama Theatre. On April 27, 2007, the theater said goodbye to K.Yu.
Lavrov. In June, by a unanimous decision of the troupe, the artistic director of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov, People's Artist of Russia and Georgia T.N. Chkheidze, who served in this post until March 2013. On March 29, 2013, the new artistic director A.A. was introduced to the Bolshoi Drama Theater troupe.
Mighty. Today the theater's repertoire includes productions by T.N.
Chkheidze, N.N. Pinigina, S.I. Yashina, G.R. Trostyanetsky, A.A. Praudina, A. Bubenya, A.M. Prikotenko. The works of Russian, world classics and modern dramaturgy are presented: “Mary Stuart” by F. Schiller, “The House Where Hearts Break” by B. Shaw, “Quartet” by R. Harwood, “The Power of Darkness, or “The Claw is Stuck, All the Birds Are Lost” by L. .N. Tolstoy, “Vassa Zheleznova” by M. Gorky, “Whim!” A.N. Ostrovsky and P.M. Nevezhina, “The Night Before Christmas” N.V. Gogol, “Uncle’s Dream” by F.M. Dostoevsky, “A Month in the Village” by I.S. Turgenev, “School of Taxpayers” based on the comedy of the same name by L. Verneuil and J. Berra, “Mercy” based on the play by St. Petersburg playwright I.D. Syringe, “One Summer” based on the play “On Golden Lake” by E. Thompson, “The House of Bernarda Alba” based on the drama by F. Garcia Lorca, “The Lady with the Dog” by A.P. Chekhov, “Angel Doll” by E.S. Kochergina, “Norway. Today" by I. Bauershima, "Atande" based on the story by A.S. Pushkin’s “Queen of Spades”, “Squaring the Circle” by V.P. Kataeva, “On Foot” by S. Mrozhek, “Gronholm’s Method” by J. Galseran, “The Innkeeper” by C. Goldoni, “Measure for Measure” by W. Shakespeare.