The Forest Embassy Zoo is an interactive educational platform where representatives of wildlife live, and children have the opportunity to directly contact them: feed, care for, study their habits, cycle and lifestyle, and observe them.
Address:St. Petersburg, Planernaya 59 liter A, shopping center "Monpensier", 3rd floor
Telephone:+7 (812) 777-96-16
“Forest Embassy” in the Montpensier shopping center is open to any child. If, of course, he is kind, cultured, sociable, well-mannered and follows the rules of behavior when visiting. After all, on the territory of the “Embassy” the laws of the forest state apply. The animals are sure that all children and their parents are like this. Therefore, at the “Embassy”, the smallest and most inquisitive citizens of the forest republic are waiting for visitors to communicate, study, have fun and share experiences.
Introduce people to the habits, customs and laws of the forest inhabitants;
Teach respect for nature;
Promote life in harmony with nature;
Educate according to the principle “by changing ourselves, we change the world for the better.”
Like any state, the Forestry Embassy has its own constitution. The constitution sets out the basic rules and rights of citizens of the forest republic.
Every child can become a citizen of the Forest Republic.