The Mind Trap Museum opened in 2015. It contains various installations demonstrating optical effects, light illusions, etc. - for example, the mirror maze and the Ames room. To explain such phenomena and effects, guides work in the museum. Free photography allowed.
St. Petersburg, Ispytatelev Avenue, 30, Miller Center shopping center, 3rd floor.
A fascinating and stunning exhibition of visual illusions and optical effects.
Museum visitors believe that the name “Mind Traps” was not chosen by chance. Not everything we see around us is reality, say the museum organizers. The images we observe are only reflections from surrounding objects or light from other sources of radiation. Our brain thinks out everything else for us and we assure you that it often makes mistakes and falls into traps. A specially selected collection of museum exhibits will help you verify this, demonstrating visual illusions and original optical effects. The museum guides will tell you about this. In addition, the effect of many exhibits is visible through the lens or in photographs, so photography and videography in the museum is free.
Working hours:
10:00 - 22:00
St. Petersburg, Ispytatelev Avenue, 30, Miller Center shopping center, 3rd floor.